Stretching won’t fix your back pain

When it comes to back pain stretching may help significantly but it will not fix your back pain!

I deal with too many back pain patients who have simply been instructed to stretch more. It’s not uncommon for my patients to have seen physios and other providers for many treatment and have only ever received passive treatments - think some form of heat, manual therapy or modalities such as tens. Now these interventions are important in the acute stage of pain but once your pain becomes less irritable you need a much more comprehensive rehabilitation for your back.

The secret sauce often when it comes to back pain is specific strengthening. It is vital to progressively load the back with appropriate exercises that challenge the muscle system, increase your confidence, and make you better than your baseline, fully prepared for your back to meet the demands of life and sport.

To be clear stretching has a role when it come to managing your back pain, however stretching without and form of strengthening will be ineffective in addressing the root cause of your problem.

We love helping people in the Redlands overcome back pain so they can achieve their physical best.

If you have back pain and want to finally get it sorted click below to request a free 15 minute call with myself.


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