Rehab Potential is committed to delivering a high quality physiotherapy service to all individuals. We take privacy and confidentiality very seriously, and value the importance of our clients feeling informed and involved in their health care. Your privacy is protected by the Australian Privacy Principles described under the Privacy Act 1988.

In order to deliver physiotherapy services of the highest quality, we routinely collect personal information such as your name, date of birth, address, phone number, medical history and social circumstances. This information will be stored securely electronically, in a password-protected location for a minimum of 7 years. Your consulting physiotherapist will have access to your personal information. We may use this information to communicate your health status to other health professionals involved in your care or your funding body. Our team is bound by strict confidentiality requirements as a condition of their employment.

For the purposes of quantifying your progress over time and to accurately describe home exercise programs, we may take photographs and video during your physiotherapy sessions. These files will be stored electronically, in a password-protected location and will only be accessible by the Rehab Potential team. If you wish to withdraw your consent for photos and/or videos being taken, please notify your treating physiotherapist or our director.

You may have access to your physiotherapy record at any time on request, except in circumstances where access may be denied by the Privacy Act or other laws. If you believe your personal information is incorrect or your privacy has been breached, please notify us immediately.

Whilst we take your privacy very seriously, in unique circumstances we may be required to disclose your personal information by law under the Privacy Act.

If you have any questions in relation to our handling of your private information, please bring this to the attention of your treating physiotherapist or our director.

Results from our services may vary from case to case depending on your individual circumstances.