Who We Help
Post Surgical Rehabilitation
Receiving high quality physiotherapy is the difference between a poor outcome and an excellent outcome following surgery.
Recent research indicates better outcomes following surgery if a period of physiotherapy is completed BEFORE surgery. Typically physio starts following surgery but does not prepare you adequately for surgery. Rehab Potential provides a solution to this problem. We work with you BEFORE your surgery. We educate your mind and condition your body so you feel prepared for surgery and equipped to enhance your recovery.
Once you’re home the priority is often staying on top of swelling and pain whilst introducing gentle movement and exercise. Driving at this stage can be difficult. Rehab Potential provides a solution to this problem. We come to you to help you get through the early phase after surgery.
Once your symptoms settle the key to maximizing your recovery is regaining strength. Physio practices often have limited gym equipment. For this reason our practice is located inside a fully equipped gym. We provide the ideal environment to ensure you achieve your physical best!
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Are aches and pains holding you back from doing the things you love? Whether it’s keeping up with the kids, working out in the gym, playing social sport, or simply completing daily activities without pain, Rehab Potential is passionate about helping you return to the life you had before pain slowed you down.
Perhaps you’re an athlete and the frustration of pain and injury holding you back from being your best. Rehab Potential is committed not only to helping you through pain and injury but also helping you reach peak performance as quickly as possible.
We focus on solving these problems for our clients by following our 3-step process.
Rehab Potential 3-Step Process
CALM the storm - this phase is all about getting you out of pain with hands-on techniques and mobility exercises.
BUILD the foundation - this phase is all about gaining the strength, flexibility, and control you need to move better and prevent future pain or injury.
RETURN to what you love - this phase is all about enjoying the hard earned results of your rehab and getting back to the things you, love equipped with knowledge and exercises to remain at your best.
NDIS Physiotherapy
Following neurological injury or disease you have incredible potential to improve your physical function and independence. Initially you may receive intensive, neuro specific rehab in a hospital setting and see big improvements in your function. But what happens when you leave hospital?
You have heard that rehab should not stop when you leave hospital, but who is best placed to provide this kind of physiotherapy? Traditional physiotherapy is great at treating sports injuries but not neurological injuries. Mobile community physio services are convenient but can lack the neuro rehab skills and experience to get the best out of you. Maybe you’ve been referred to a hospital outpatient service but you’re after something more.
Rehab Potential exists to provide a solution to this problem. We combine neuro rehab expertise with convenience - we come to you! We show you exactly what you should be doing to maximise your rehab in your home, your gym, or your pool! We are passionate about partnering with you to maximise your rehab potential.
Mobile Physiotherapy
We understand for some people making it to a physiotherapy clinic is near impossible. Perhaps you’re unable to drive for a period after your operation. Maybe you’re a parent with little ones at home. It might just be that you’re an incredibly busy professional and though you need treatment you can’t afford the travel time to see a physio. For some older adults home based therapy is the preferred option!
Whatever the reason may be Rehab Potential provides a solution to this problem by offering a mobile service. That’s right we can come to you! Your home, your gym, wherever is most convenient for you to make sure you get the help you need.