Physio Is More than Massage

The message is here is simple…Physio should be more than massage.

If you have aches and pains that don’t go away it is a very sensible decision to schedule a visit to the physio.

That being said if you’ve seen the physio for multiple sessions and have never made it off the treatment table… that’s a problem!

Manual therapy (think massage, mobilisation, dry needling etc) certainly has an important role to play in the management of musculoskeletal conditions. It is a problem though if manual therapy is the ONLY intervention your physio utilises to get you out of pain and towards peak performance.

I personally have a strong exercise based approach in how I treat my patients. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely use manual therapy for the right patient at the right time for the right purpose.

When used the right way manual therapy can be an amazing adjunct to a well designed exercise and training program.

The goal of manual therapy in my treatment framework is to create a window of pain-free opportunity that will allows patient to feel and move better. One way to think about is this - manual therapy serves as the entrée but exercise interventions are the main course! Entrees are important but you’ll leave the restaurant hungry if you don’t order a main meal.

The real magic happens once we start to load the affected muscle/tendon/joint/region etc and increase the capacity of the tissue so it can meet the demand of the task or sport it is performing.

If you are frustrated with your lack of progress after seeing the physio for multiple visits there is an alternative more comprehensive approach that lines up better with current evidence!

If you would like to work with me please reach out at

Remember.. Movement is medicine!

Enjoy pain free movement today!


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